The Best Potluck Desserts No One Thinks to Bring

Let’s Start

Pill Box
Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings

Chocolate Chip Cookie Delight

This is a simple chocolate delight recipe for any type of potluck occasion, and the pan always comes home empty.

Chocolate Chip & Pecan Meringue Bars

I've had recipes for chocolate chip cookies and pecan meringues in my collection for a number of years—and I combined them to make these bars! They're a lovely addition to any holiday cookie tray.

Rhubarb Custard Bars

The shortbreadlike crust and the rhubarb and custard layers inspire people to find rhubarb that they can use to fix a batch for themselves.

Brownie Bourbon Bites

Chocolate and chopped pecans flavor these simple, spirited treats. Make a double batch so you can give some as gifts and savor the rest.

Apple Fritter Cake

I was experimenting with a beer bread to make it into a dessert and came up with this delectable apple fritter cake.

Cannoli Dip

Ricotta is one of my family's favorite ingredients. I made up the cannoli filling and broke up some ice cream waffle shells to use as "chips and dip.


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